Stratis how-to/walk-through



Stratis provides ZFS/Btrfs-style features by integrating layers of existing technology: Linux’s devicemapper subsystem, and the XFS filesystem. The stratisd daemon manages collections of block devices, and provides a D-Bus API. The stratis-cli provides a command-line tool stratis which itself uses the D-Bus API to communicate with stratisd.


# dnf install stratisd stratis-cli

Starting the service

# systemctl start stratisd

# systemctl enable stratisd
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ →

Locate an empty block device

Use utilities like lsblk and blkid to find a block device to use with Stratis.

# lsblk
sda      8:0    0   28G  0 disk
├─sda1   8:1    0    1G  0 part /boot
├─sda2   8:2    0  2.8G  0 part [SWAP]
└─sda3   8:3    0   15G  0 part /
sdb      8:16   0    1T  0 disk
sdc      8:32   0    2T  0 disk
sdd      8:48   0    8G  0 disk
sde      8:64   0    8G  0 disk
sdf      8:80   0    8G  0 disk
sdg	 8:96   0    8G  0 disk
sr0     11:0    1 1024M  0 rom

# blkid -p /dev/sda
/dev/sda: PTUUID="b7168b63" PTTYPE="dos"

Not empty, it contains a partition table.

# blkid -p /dev/sdb
Empty, no known signatures found.

If you are positive that you have a block device that you want to use and it has a signature on it, you need to clear the signature before using it in a Stratis pool. Otherwise you will get an error when you attempt to create the pool.

To clear a device so that it can be used by Stratis.

# blkid -p /dev/sdc
/dev/sdc: UUID="770587cc-cfd3-44cb-82e2-756902cf458b" VERSION="1.0" TYPE="ext4" USAGE="filesystem"

# wipefs -a /dev/sdc
/dev/sdc: 2 bytes were erased at offset 0x00000438 (ext4): 53 ef

Creating a pool

A pool with one block device.

# stratis pool create stratis_howto /dev/sdb

# stratis pool list
Name             Total Physical Size  Total Physical Used
stratis_howto                  1 TiB               52 MiB

A pool with 2 block devices.

# stratis pool create tale_of_2_disks /dev/sdd /dev/sdf

# stratis pool list
Name               Total Physical Size  Total Physical Used
stratis_howto                    1 TiB               52 MiB
tale_of_2_disks                 16 GiB               56 MiB

Creating a filesystem from the pool

# stratis filesystem create stratis_howto fs_howto

# stratis filesystem list
Pool Name      Name      Used     Created            Device
stratis_howto  fs_howto  546 MiB  Nov 09 2018 11:08  /dev/stratis/stratis_howto/fs_howto

To create another file system, just repeat the same command with a different file system name. The file system names are required to be unique in a pool.

# stratis filesystem create stratis_howto my_precious

# stratis filesystem list
Pool Name      Name         Used     Created            Device
stratis_howto  fs_howto     546 MiB  Nov 09 2018 11:08  /dev/stratis/stratis_howto/fs_howto
stratis_howto  my_precious  546 MiB  Nov 09 2018 11:09  /dev/stratis/stratis_howto/my_precious

The file system is created on a thinly provisioned 1 TB block device. Stratis will take care of allocating blocks from the pool and re-sizing the XFS file system as needed during its lifetime.

You can also constrain the file system list output by including the pool name.

# stratis pool create olympic /dev/sdc

# stratis filesystem create olympic backstroke

# stratis filesystem
Pool Name      Name         Used     Created            Device
olympic        backstroke   546 MiB  Nov 09 2018 11:10  /dev/stratis/olympic/backstroke
stratis_howto  fs_howto     546 MiB  Nov 09 2018 11:08  /dev/stratis/stratis_howto/fs_howto
stratis_howto  my_precious  546 MiB  Nov 09 2018 11:09  /dev/stratis/stratis_howto/my_precious

# stratis filesystem list stratis_howto
Pool Name      Name         Used     Created            Device
stratis_howto  fs_howto     546 MiB  Nov 09 2018 11:08  /dev/stratis/stratis_howto/fs_howto
stratis_howto  my_precious  546 MiB  Nov 09 2018 11:09  /dev/stratis/stratis_howto/my_precious

Mount the file system

# mount /dev/stratis/stratis_howto/fs_howto /mnt

Modifying /etc/fstab so that your filesystem is mounted at boot

If you insert the following line in your /etc/fstab file, your pool will be started and your filesystem will be mounted during the boot process.

/dev/stratis/<pool name>/<file system name> /mnt xfs defaults,x-systemd.requires=stratis-fstab-setup@<pool uuid>.service,x-systemd.after=stratis-fstab-setup@<pool uuid>.service 0 2

This will ensure that the filesystem's pool is started. In case the pool is encrypted stratisd will attempt to unlock the pool. If the pool can not be unlocked without user intervention, the user will be be prompted for a passphrase at boot.

Other useful pool operations

add-data: Add a disk to an existing pool

# stratis pool add-data tale_of_2_disks /dev/sdc

# stratis pool list
Name               Total Physical Size  Total Physical Used
stratis_howto                    1 TiB               52 MiB
tale_of_2_disks               2.02 TiB               60 MiB

rename: Rename a pool

# stratis pool rename tale_of_2_disks 3_amigos

# stratis pool list
Name             Total Physical Size  Total Physical Used
3_amigos                    2.02 TiB               60 MiB
stratis_howto                  1 TiB               52 MiB

init-cache: Initialize cache and add block device as cache device (typically something like SSD)

# stratis pool init-cache 3_amigos /dev/sde

add-cache: Add a block device as cache to a pool with an existing cache

# stratis pool add-cache 3_amigos /dev/sdg

destroy: Destroy a pool, no file systems can exist in pool

# stratis pool destroy 3_amigos

# stratis pool list
Name             Total Physical Size  Total Physical Used
stratis_howto                  1 TiB               52 MiB

Other useful file system operations

destroy: Remove a Stratis provided filesystem

To remove a Stratis provided filesystem, make sure that it’s not in use, and then destroy it.

# stratis filesystem list
Pool Name      Name         Used     Created            Device
olympic        backstroke   546 MiB  Nov 09 2018 11:10  /dev/stratis/olympic/backstroke
stratis_howto  fs_howto     546 MiB  Nov 09 2018 11:08  /dev/stratis/stratis_howto/fs_howto
stratis_howto  my_precious  546 MiB  Nov 09 2018 11:09  /dev/stratis/stratis_howto/my_precious

# stratis filesystem destroy stratis_howto my_precious

# stratis filesystem list
Pool Name      Name        Used     Created            Device
olympic        backstroke  546 MiB  Nov 09 2018 11:10  /dev/stratis/olympic/backstroke
stratis_howto  fs_howto    546 MiB  Nov 09 2018 11:08  /dev/stratis/stratis_howto/fs_howto

rename: Rename a file system

# stratis filesystem rename olympic backstroke some_fs

snapshot: Create a snapshot

To create a snapshot, which is a read/writeable thinly provisioned point in time copy of the source FS.

# stratis filesystem snapshot olympic some_fs some_fs_snapshot

# stratis filesystem list olympic
Pool Name  Name              Used     Created            Device
olympic    some_fs           546 MiB  Nov 09 2018 11:10  /dev/stratis/olympic/some_fs
olympic    some_fs_snapshot  546 MiB  Nov 09 2018 11:26  /dev/stratis/olympic/some_fs_snapshot

Misc. operations

Query which block devices belong to a pool or all of Stratis.

# stratis blockdev list olympic
Pool Name  Device Node    Physical Size   State  Tier
olympic    /dev/sdc            2.00 TiB  In-use  Data

# stratis blockdev list
Pool Name      Device Node    Physical Size   State  Tier
olympic        /dev/sdc            2.00 TiB  In-use  Data
stratis_howto  /dev/sdb               1 TiB  In-use  Data

Query the Stratis daemon (stratisd) version.

# stratis daemon version